Cartoon Nominees - The Six Finalists



Directed by Verena Fels (Germany, 2010, 6'25)

At the edge of society, a cow tips the balance of destiny with quite some impact?

Paths of Hate

Directed by Damian Nenow (Poland, 2010, 10')

A short tale about the demons that slumber deep in the human soul and have the power to push people into the abyss of blind hate, fury and rage.


Directed by André Bergs (Netherlands, 2009, 5')

When a man is witness to a murder and takes pictures of the killer, he has to run for his life. During the chase he is able to turn the tables and the prey becomes the hunter. All resulting in an unfortunate ending.

The External World

Directed by David O`Reilly (Ireland, 2010, 17`)

A boy learns to play the piano.

The Gruffalo

Directed by Jakob Schuh & Max Lang (UK, 2009, 27`)

Based on Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler`s best-selling children`s book of the same name, "The Gruffalo" tells the magical tale of a mouse who takes a walk through the woods in search of a nut?

The Little Boy and the Beast

Directed by Johannes Weiland & Uwe Heidschötter (Germany, 2009, 6`30)

When your mother has turned into a beast, a lot of things change...

Kaufen & Leihen

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Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat