

Jiri Stejskal_2011_czech republic/estonia/ukraine_23min_documentary
"Pit-Hole" or "Яма" is a story about unusual Kiev family fighting against real estate lawlessness. Nataliya, the head of the family, is trying to preserve the family village house, now surrounded by modern living quarters. Besides that she has to take care of her four children, two husbands and a little herd of mischievous goats. Is Ukraine real democratic country?

Boguslaw Hynek_2010_poland_20min_documentary
Jan Głuszak, better known by his artistic nickname Dagarama. He was a visionary, a creator of unique architectonical designs, a philosopher, a poet. The film oscillates between the visible and the invisible. It raises an eternal theme of existence and faith. It is a story about vulnerability, anguish and forced adaptation to 'narrow' reality. The turning point in the film is self-burning of Głuszak's hand. This act has its mystical significance - it's a kind of sacrifice.

Marcin Koszalka_2010_poland_30min_documentary
The film focuses on the decline of the career of the great climbing master, provoking his reflection on his future life, when he will no longer be able to climb mountains. It's a moving story about inability to come to terms with old age and about desire of immortality.

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Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat