Screen Words: Early Film and Avant-Garde Film in the House of the Word


Filmprogramm 1 zum Vortrag von Bart Testa

Edwin S. Porter
The Whole Dam Family and
the Dam Dog
USA 1905, 4 Min.

American Mutoscope and Biograph Company
Mr. Hurry-Up of New York
USA 1907, 5 Min.

Edwin S. Porter
College Chums U
SA 1907, 11 Min.

Raoul Barre
Mutt and Jeff in the Big Swim
USA ca. 1918, 8 Min.

Michael Snow
So Is This
Can 1982, 43 Min.

Michael Snow
(See You Later) Au Revoir
Can 1990, 18 Min.

David Gatten
The Enjoyment of Reading
(Lost & Found) USA 2001, 13 Min.

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