Dead but not buried

GB, 2011




The storm is gathering upon dead mister Christie. A Japanese industrialist called Mr. Yakamoto is sure that Mr. Christie holds the secret of eternal life and thus is determined to bring him back to life. Meanwhile a bunch of people, claiming to be Mr. Christie's relatives, is on a quest to possess Mr. Christie's Tesco sticker collection. Dear Mrs. Christie on the other hand seeks her husband's body with perseverance and beforethey know it, they all end up in Iceland. In the land of Dead But not Buried trust is not worth a thing and real friends are nowhere close to be found, but the travel itself is even more enjoyable.

IMDb: 5.7

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Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat