
A, 1973



a) Ein dickes Mädchen singt über ihre Verweigerung, dünn zu werden, um den Männern zu gefallen. b) Das erste Mal für sie und ihn. c) Beim Handleser. Eine Gegenüberstellung von schrecklichem Aberglauben und schrecklicher Wissenschaft. Der Gesang des dicken Mädchens:

I like to eat, I like to drink, so made me god, I will not shrink I like the cakes, I like the pies as long as you eat, you will not die, // To starve to death, to please a man is woman`s curse, it is a shame because he leaves you anyway, so why not eat, stay cheerfull and gay. // There comes a little man along, I blow him up, I make him strong, he eats with me from my substance, I feed him, rear him, give him a chance, I do not flinch when he swells up, In surface leaves and makes a swap: He will not live long anyway, from borrowed strength, I can so say, // So I go back to eat and drink This will not hurt me, make me shrink, I like the cakes, I like the pies, as long as you eat, you will not die
(M. L.)

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Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat