Screening Svetlana Cemin

Screening Svetlana Cemin

USA, 2019


Experimental Art Documentaries kuratiert von Barbara Steffen.


A reflection of the observations of the working process of three colorful artists nestled in different parts of the world. Scenes from Berlin, Brooklyn, Belgrade, reflect each artist's creative journey. Laura, Stef, Olympia, are the main heroes who bring forth their creativity by focusing on the forces of inspiration that constantly challenge and transform their visionary opus by answering the question “Who am I?”

Director: Svetlana Cemin, Experimental documentary, USA, Serbia, Germany 2019, 19:07 min | Language: English | Producer: Saint Clair Cemin and Svetlana Cemin

An experimental documentary about artist Madeleine Hatz is a visual prose poem: a portrait built from juxtaposed images and recurring visual elements, dispensing with conventions of plot, narrative, and chronology.

Writer & Director: Svetlana Cemin, Experimental documentary, 19:40 min | Cast: Madeleine Hatz, Peter Lynch | Producer: Saint Clair Cemin

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Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat