The Boy From Hell

The Boy From Hell

Jigoku kozô JP , 2004

In 2004, a series of six films were created based on Hideshi Hino’s horror manga, then released as “Hino Hideshi’s Theatre of Horror”.

The Boy From Hell
Min. 50
Start. /

Mari Asato’s The Boy From Hell is the third in the series, a gross and gory twist on “the monkey’s paw” story. Setsu’s only child, Daio is killed in a tragic accident, and she cannot bear the loss of her son. An elderly woman offers her a mysterious deal, and Daio agrees to sacrifice another child in order to return Daio to her. But the thing that returns bears little resemblance to her son, and, she discovers to her horror, that it must feed on human flesh…

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Mirai Yamamoto, Mitsuru Akaboshi, Baku Numata
Mari Asato
