Cartoon d'Or Nominations


Der Cartoon d'Or ist der paneuropäische Preis für den besten, animierten Kurzfilm des Jahres. Vergeben von CARTOON - the European Association of Animation Film und unterstützt von MEDIA Programme zeichnet dieser Preis den Gewinner der Filme aus, die an europäischen Festivals teilnehmen.

Zum ersten Mal wurde der Preis 1991 an den damals noch unbekannten Regisseur Nick Park und seinen Film "Creatures Comforts" vergeben. Diesem folgten andere, wichtige Namen, so wie Sylvain Chomet, Jacques-Rémy Girerd, Mark Baker, Michael Dudok De Wit and Joanna Quinn.

Anilogue ist Gastgeber für fünf der nominierten Cartoon d'Or Filme: Franck Dion`s Edmond WAS A DONKEY eine traurig, schöne Geschichte darüber, wie es ist anders zu sein; FLAMINGO PRIDE von Tomer Eshed, welche die sexuelle Orientierung von Flamingos darstellt; die Geschichte eines edlen Wilden, OH WILLY... von Emma De Swaef und Marc James Roels; Michaela Pavlatova`s Film TRAM, welcher einen Einblick in das monotone Leben einer Straßenbahnfahrerin gibt und zeigt, wie dieses plötzlich zu einer phallischen Phantasie wird. Und ZING von Kyra Buschor und Cynthia Collins, welche die Geschichte von zwei jungen Kindern und deren ersten Kontakt mit der Vergänglichkeit und Tod erzählen.

EDMOND WAS A DONKEY (Edmond était un âne)
Franck Dion - France/Canada 2012, 15 Min
Edmond is not like everybody else. A small, quiet man, Edmond has a wife who loves him and a job that he does extraordinarily well. Yet he is very aware that he is different. When his co-workers tease him by crowning him with a pair of donkey ears, he suddenly discovers his true nature. And though he comes to enjoy his new identity, an ever-widening chasm opens up between himself and the others.


Tomer Eshed - Germany 2011, 6 Min

The story of the only heterosexual flamingo, in his desperate attempt to find love...


Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels - B/F/NL 2012, 16 Min

Forced to return to his naturist roots, Willy bungles his way into noble savagery.


Michaela Pavlátová - France/Czech Republic 2012, 7 Min

It's the humdrum daily routine for Tram's conductress. As every morning, men get on the tram to go to work, one after another, all similar, quiet, grey, apathetic. And yet, on that day, following the jolts and the road's vibrations, to the rhythm of the tickets inserted in the ticket-stamping machine, the conductress gets turned on and the vehicle gets erotic. The tram conductress' desire turns the reality into a surrealistic and phallic fantasy. Music maestro!


Kyra Buschor & Cynthia Collins - Germany 2011, 7 Min

Day in, day out, Mr. Grimm is busy with his job as the Reaper, harvesting people`s lives. One day, his monotonous existence is interrupted by the doorbell. It`s a little girl. She wants her cat back. Little does she know that she`s the next life on Mr. Grimm`s list.

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