Das Grauen aus der Tiefe

Humanoids from the Deep

USA, 1980

FilmHorrorScience Fiction

Described by critic Phillip French as the “most mindlessly violent and rapeobsessed” film of 1980, Humanoids from the Deep is an eco-horror mix of Jaws, Piranha and The Creature From the Black Lagoon.


In a Californian fishing community, a cannery undertakes experiments to increase the local fish population. Bu the fish mutate into humanoids who have three goals: come ashore, rape the women, murder the men. After production, executive producer Roger Corman hired the second unit assistant director to shoot and add more nude rape scenes. Director Barbara Peeters then requested that her name was removed from credits, but it remains to this day. In 2019 she commented “I don’t talk about that film… I’ve always – since a small, little girl – been a feminist”.

IMDb: 5.7

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