Cécilia Rouaud

Das Familienfoto

— Photo de famille

Regisseurin Cécilia Rouaud erzählt mit feinsinnigem Humor und einem charmanten Ensemble über die Freuden und Leiden des Familienlebens.

Max, a ruthless fifty-year-old hitman, discovers he has a problem: he now faints at the drop of blood. With his future in the profession in jeopardy, he's going to have to retrain... But not so simple when his only professional skill is to kill people... They are helped by a couple of young neighbors, Karim and Stéphanie, who do not imagine for a moment who they are dealing with... Max becomes attached, in spite of himself, to the young couple, until his past catches up with him.

Hör auf zu lügen

— Arrête avec tes mensonges

Der erfolgreiche Romanautor Stéphane Belcourt kehrt zum ersten Mal seit seiner Jugend in seine Heimatstadt zurück. Als lokale Berühmtheit wurde er als neuer Markenbotschafter zum 200-jährigen Jubiläum einer Cognac-Marke eingeladen.

Max, a ruthless fifty-year-old hitman, discovers he has a problem: he now faints at the drop of blood. With his future in the profession in jeopardy, he's going to have to retrain... But not so simple when his only professional skill is to kill people... They are helped by a couple of young neighbors, Karim and Stéphanie, who do not imagine for a moment who they are dealing with... Max becomes attached, in spite of himself, to the young couple, until his past catches up with him.

Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat