Jung Ji-woo

Korea, im Jahre 1398, am Hofe des Kaisers: Kim Min-Jae, Oberbefehlshaber der Joseon-Dynastie, riskiert alles für die Frau, die er liebt. Sein Sohn Jin ist der Schwiegersohn des Königs, darf jedoch nicht bei politischen Entscheidungen mitreden, weshalb er nur nach sinnlichen Abenteuern sucht. Yi Bang-Won half seinem Vater, dem König, die Joseon-Dynastie zu gründen, wurde aber nicht zum Kronprinzen ernannt. Seine Ambitionen werden zunehmend offensichtlicher. Die Leben all dieser Personen werden schon bald schicksalhaft miteinander verbunden sein...

In 1994, on the first day that Yoo Yeul went on air as the new DJ of the popular radio show ‘Music Album,' a college girl Mi-su meets Hyun-woo who happens to drop by the bakery she works at. Like the music streaming from the radio, their frequencies slowly come in sync; even when they're apart, the show brings them together through ebbs and flows of events arising from both pure coincidence and inevitability, until the bitter reality sets in and drives them apart...

In 1994, on the first day that Yoo Yeul went on air as the new DJ of the popular radio show ‘Music Album,' a college girl Mi-su meets Hyun-woo who happens to drop by the bakery she works at. Like the music streaming from the radio, their frequencies slowly come in sync; even when they're apart, the show brings them together through ebbs and flows of events arising from both pure coincidence and inevitability, until the bitter reality sets in and drives them apart...

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