Alors on danse

Alors on danse

France, 2022


After thirty years of marriage, Sandra finds out that her husband is having an affair with his best friend. She immediately leaves him and has no choice but to seek refuge in her childhood home, where her sister Danie still lives. The sisters couldn’t be more different. Danie, a stubborn single with a dog and the heart of a social justice warrior vs. Sandra, a bourgeois housewife with decades of a secure lifestyle on a posh vineyard behind her. Their cohabitation starts out rocky to say the least… But with the help of close buddies Roberto and Lucien, Danie coaxes Sandra into joining their local dance troupe, and reconnect with the greatest joy and talent of her youth. Through their shared passion for dance and the solidarity of the troupe’s other dancers, the sisters embark on a fresh life path. Because, really, it’s never too late... even to fall in love again.


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Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat