Der Mafu-Käfig

The Mafu Cage

USA, 1978


Monkeys. Madness. Murder.


Directed by Karen Arthur, The Mafu Cage is a truly bizarre tale of two sisters, Ellen and Cissy, who are in a symbiotic, abusive, and enabling sexual relationship. Their father was an anthropologist who collected African objects. Now deceased, the sisters live together in his mansion, and Cissy has a “mafu” (monkey) cage in the living room, where she keeps her simian subjects. But one day, Ellen’s new boyfriend David comes to the house, and Cissy decides she needs a human “mafu”… For critic Kier-La Janisse, The Mafu Cage is “one of the most compelling and uniquely dark filmsof the psychotic woman subgenre.” Watch this screening to find out why.

IMDb: 6

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