Patrycja Płanik

In a dystopian post-pandemic reality, only a crowd of gender-bending characters survive. The mysterious virus ‚Exit 884’ has decimated the human population, sparing only the lives of homosexual men, for reasons unknown to science. A grotesque funeral of the last female on earth reveals the true nature of modern society and starts a new era.

Lillian, als Emigrantin in New York gestrandet, will zu Fuß in ihre Heimat Russland zurückgehen. Entschlossen macht sie sich auf den langen Weg.

In a dystopian post-pandemic reality, only a crowd of gender-bending characters survive. The mysterious virus ‚Exit 884’ has decimated the human population, sparing only the lives of homosexual men, for reasons unknown to science. A grotesque funeral of the last female on earth reveals the true nature of modern society and starts a new era.

Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat