Zhou Dongyu

Drifting aimlessly through life, Kaisi (Li Yi Feng) has racked up debts of several million having borrowed money from his friends. Lured with the promise of writing it all off, Kaisi leaves his ailing mother and childhood sweetheart Qing (Zhou Dongyu) to board the ship Destiny and attend a gambling party controlled by the mysterious Anderson (Michael Douglas). All players join the game with stars. For each game they lose, their opponent captures a star. Everyone is holding daggers behind their backs plotting dirty means by which to overcome their opponents. The game quickly deteriorates into a slaughter and Kaisi must battle save his own skin…


— 少年的你

Die Musterschülerin Nian steht kurz vor dem examen, das über ihre Studienzulassung entscheiden wird.In der Schule ist sie nicht sehr beliebt und wird permanent gemobbt. Eines Tages trifft sie auf den Kleinkriminellen Bei — eine Begegnung, die nicht ohne Folgen bleibt. Denn als Nians größte Widersacherin an der Schule tot aufgefunden wird, geraten sie und Bei in dringenden Tatverdacht...

The Year of the Everlasting Storm

— The Year of the Everlasting Storm

Featuring seven stories from seven auteurs from around the world, the film chronicles this unprecedented moment in time, and is a true love letter to the power of cinema and its storytellers.

Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat