

United States,

SerieDramaAction & AdventureMystery

In einem geheimnisumwobenen Comic-Manuskript namens UTOPIA soll das Schicksal der Menschheit vorhergeschrieben stehen.

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Namensgebend ist für die Fernsehserie die fiktive Graphic Novel The Utopia Experiment. Im Internet lernen sich vier Fans des Bilderromans kennen: die ehemalige Medizinstudentin Becky, der gelangweilte Ian, der Verschwörungstheoretiker Wilson Wilson und der elfjährige Grant. Nach kurzer Zeit stößt die gesuchte Jessica Hyde dazu. Gemeinsam geraten sie in eine Obsession, das sagenumwobene Geheimnis des The Utopia Experiment zu lüften, das angeblich katastrophale Ereignisse voraussagen kann. Die Fünf geraten einer Geheimorganisation in die Quere, die sich The Network nennt. Des Weiteren heftet sich der Auftragsmörder Arby dem Quintett an die Fersen
When an elusive comic appears, a group of fans cannot wait to get their hands on it, and unknowingly put themselves in mortal danger.
A huge discovery by our young fans is interrupted when they are thrust into the dangerous world of Jessica Hyde. Meanwhile, two doctors with very different career trajectories are both pulled into the path of a deadly flu.
Jessica continues to hunt for answers while our underdogs must make a crucial decision. Michael is done being pushed around.
A clue in Utopia leads Jessica and the crew to a mysterious new ally. Thomas plots a unique way to handle Michael, while Christie makes a decision.
Inside the St. Louis Hotzone, Michael must make a life-or-death choice. As things grow increasingly dangerous, Jessica comes face to face with someone from her past.
Jessica must reckon with a shocking revelation as Arby questions his own past. Michael unravels as he searches for answers.
Arby finds a new purpose while Becky makes a decision that tears the group apart. Michael is about to have the worst day of his life.
In the season finale, as the world eagerly awaits Christie's vaccine, Jessica and the group must race to stop the Undoing.


Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat