
Devadas ist ein Kickboxer, der zum Technikfreak geworden ist und seine Beziehung zu Amukta Malyada um jeden Preis beenden will. Aber wird sie es zulassen?

Ein Bandenführer versucht, ein Versprechen zu halten, das er seinem sterbenden Freund gegeben hat und nimmt es mit den anderen kriminellen Banden auf.

F2: Fun and Frustration

— F2 – ఫన్ అండ్ ఫ్రస్టేషన్

After Venky, Varun also gets married thinking he can keep the wife in control but both of them gets frustrated with the marital life which generates fun.

సై రా నరసింహ రెడ్డి

— సై రా నరసింహ రెడ్డి

Gwalior Fort, during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. In a moment of despair, Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi, encourages her men by telling them the heroic story of Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy, a brave Telugu chieftain who took up arms in 1846 to protest against the numerous arbitrariness and crimes perpetrated by the leaders and military forces of the East India Company.


— జెర్సీ

Ein gescheiterter Cricketspieler will es noch einmal wissen und seine Karriere trotz ihm entgegenschlagender Skepsis wiederbeleben.

Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat