Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen

Ein junger Barbar mit wenig Selbstvertrauen stellt die letzte Chance seines Stammes dar: An seiner Seite ein hormongesteuerter Barde, eine jungfräuliche Amazone und der schlechteste Fremdenführer der Welt. Der Beginn eines schrägen Funtasy-Abenteuers.

Ronal is a young barbarian with low self-esteem, the polar opposite of all the muscular barbarians in his village. He's a real wuss. However, as fate would have it, responsibility for the tribe's survival falls on Ronal's scrawny shoulders, when the evil Lord Volcazar raids the village and abducts every living barbarian with the exception of Ronal, who is forced to go on a perilous quest to save his enslaved clan and thwart Volcazar’s plot to rule the world. Along the way, our unlikely hero is joined by Alibert the buttery bard, Zandra the gorgeous shield-maiden and Elric the metrosexual elfin guide. To ultimately vanquish the enemy, the band must overcome awesome challenges.

In der Tradition von "South Park" erzählt die dänische 3D-Animation die Geschichte eines 11-jährigen Jungen - und zwar ziemlich drastisch und umwerfend komisch.

Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat