Josie Trinidad

Der neue Animationsspaß von Disney spielt in einer Großstadt für Tiere, wo eine Hasen-Polizistin einer Verschwörung auf die Spur kommt.

Ralph, der die Rolle des Bösewichts in einem 8-Bit-Videospiel inne hat, muss immer alles kaputt machen, hat die Nase voll und möchte zeigen, dass auch er das Zeug zum Helden hat.

Video game bad guy Ralph and fellow misfit Vanellope von Schweetz must risk it all by traveling to the World Wide Web in search of a replacement part to save Vanellope's video game, Sugar Rush. In way over their heads, Ralph and Vanellope rely on the citizens of the internet — the netizens — to help navigate their way, including an entrepreneur named Yesss, who is the head algorithm and the heart and soul of trend-making site BuzzzTube.

Video game bad guy Ralph and fellow misfit Vanellope von Schweetz must risk it all by traveling to the World Wide Web in search of a replacement part to save Vanellope's video game, Sugar Rush. In way over their heads, Ralph and Vanellope rely on the citizens of the internet — the netizens — to help navigate their way, including an entrepreneur named Yesss, who is the head algorithm and the heart and soul of trend-making site BuzzzTube.

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