Bret Killoran

A reboot of the "Resident Evil" franchise. Set in 1998, the intention is to re-create the 'terrifying visceral experience' of the first two games in the series, exploring 'the secrets hidden in the walls of the Spenser Mansion and Raccoon City' while also 'telling a grounded human story about a small dying American town.'

Nachdem ihr letzter Freund sie verlassen hat, fühlt sich Kunstgalerie-Assistentin Lucy inspiriert, die Broken Heart Gallery ins Leben zu rufen - ein Ort für all die Gegenstände, die verflossene Liebhaber zurückgelassen haben. Die Neuigkeit spricht sich schnell herum und startet einen Trend unter Romantikern, Lucy eingeschlossen.

In March 2002, a state TV signal in China gets hacked by members of the banned spiritual group Falun Gong. Their goal is to counter the government narrative about their practice. In the aftermath, police raids sweep Changchun City, and comic book illustrator Daxiong (Justice League, Star Wars), a Falun Gong practitioner, is forced to flee. He arrives in North America, blaming the hijacking for worsening an already violent repression. But his views are challenged when he meets the lone surviving participant to have escaped China, now living in Seoul, South Korea.

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