Marilyn Morris

Im Mittelpunkt des neuen Marvel-Abenteuers, das vor "Iron Man" (2008) und den "Avengers" (2012) in den 90er-Jahren spielt, steht erstmals eine Superheldin.

Screaming through the Nevada desert in a bullet-ridden Crown Vic, wily con artist Teddy Murretto hatches a desperate plan to hide out from lethal hitman Bob Viddick: he sucker-punches rookie officer Valerie Young to get himself arrested and locked up in a small-town police station. But jail can’t protect Murretto for long, and Viddick soon schemes his own way into detention, biding his time in a nearby cell until he can complete his mission. When the arrival of a competing assassin ignites all-out mayhem, mounting threats force Viddick to get creative if he wants to finish the job and escape the explosive situation.

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