Wong Charlie

Artemis Fowl ist zwölf Jahre alt und ein kriminelles Genie. Um Lösegeld zu erpressen und so den finanziellen Ruin seiner Familie, einer alten irischen Gangsterdynastie, abzuwenden, entführt er die temperamentvolle und angriffslustige Elfe Holly Short. Das führt zu einem erbitterten Kampf um Stärke und Gerissenheit mit dem mächtigen, unterirdischen Elfenvolk, das auch hinter dem Verschwinden seines Vaters stecken könnte.

People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan

— People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan

Since the end of their pirate radio station, life has been quiet for the Kurupt FM boys, but everything is about to change. News reaches them that one of their songs has been used on a popular game show in Japan. They've made it. Their music is reaching hundreds of thousands of people. It's finally time for them to enjoy the fame and fortune that they've always known they deserved. Chabuddy G steps excitedly back into his management role as Grindah, Beats, Steves and Decoy begin their journey to international stardom - but is Japan really ready for Kurupt FM?

Kurier.tvMotor.atKurier.atFreizeit.atFilm.atImmmopartnersuchepartnersucheSpieleCreated by Icons Producer from the Noun Project profilkat