Donald O'Connor

Kenneth Zevo, der Gründer und Chef der Spielzeugfabrik Zevo Toys, stirbt. Sein Bruder Lt. General Leland Zevo lässt heimlich waffenähnliche Spielzeuge produzieren.

Amerika im Jahre 1906: Im "melting pot" New York brodeln die Konflikte einer Gesellschaft, die im Umbruch ist. Immigranten strömen in die Stadt, in den Vierteln pulsiert der Rhythmus des schwarzen Ragtime.

The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.

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